Gimnazija Novo mesto je šola s programom mednarodne mature. Z izvajanjem programa smo pričeli v šolskem letu 2021/22.
Informacije o vpisu v program mednarodna matura dobite tule
Na kratko o programu pa še tule: Zloženka
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Izvajanje tega programa poteka pod okriljem mednarodne organizacije
IB Mission Statement
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programs of international education and rigorous assessment.
These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences can also be right.
IB learner profile
V programu mednarodna matura dijake spodbujamo, da so vedoželjni, komunikativni, svobodomiselni, empatični, pripravljeni tvegati, raziskovalni, razmišljujoči ter sposobni kritičnega razmisleka.
Gimnazija Novo mesto Mission statement
Gimnazija Novo mesto creates a supportive environment, which encourages the exchange of knowledge, the broadening of experiences and the acquisition of skills with the aim to develop lifelong learners.
The school strives for academic excellence and enables the development and enhancement of the various talents of both students and teachers.
We aim to empower our students to become knowledgeable, balanced and caring members of their local and global society, who will embrace international understanding and play an important role in the future of society and the planet.
Gimnazija Novo mesto School Philosophy
The aim of the IB Diploma Programme at Gimnazija Novo mesto is to educate young people in academic excellence and open-mindedness. Gimnazija Novo mesto provides a solid, well-rounded education and aims to form caring, ambitious and positive young people who share a global perspective and responsibility for humanity and the planet Earth. As educators, we help students to develop their potential and encourage them to execute their ideas and find their way in life.
Predviden predmetnik mednarodne mature na Gimnaziji Novo mesto
Dijaki si izberejo 6 predmetov. 5 predmetov si izberejo iz skupin od 1 do 5. Šesti predmet pa dijaki izberejo iz skupine 6 ali pa kot drugi predmet iz skupin 2, 3 ali 4. Dijak si izbere najmanj 3 predmete na višji ravni, ostale pa opravlja na osnovni ravni.
Poleg teh predmetov dijak opravi obveznosti tudi pri TOK, CAS in EE. Razloženi so pod spodnjo tabelo.
Written Curriculum
Group 1 | Language and literature: Literature A HL
Group 1 consists of literature courses in a student’s first language. The courses introduce students to literature from a variety of periods, genres and styles. Students refine their skills in writing, speaking and analysis, and learn techniques of literary criticism. The courses help students maintain strong ties to their own culture while giving them an international perspective through the study of literature from around the world. |
Group 2 |
Language acquisition: Language B Gimnazija Novo mesto offers the language B course in English SL & HL and German SL & HL. Students learn to understand and use the language and gain insights into the cultures of the countries where the language is spoken. Language B includes second-language learners with previous experience in the language. |
Group 3 |
Individuals and societies This subject group consists of Geography SL & HL and Psychology SL & HL. Students develop an understanding of complex relationships between people, places, and the environment. They learn to analyze concepts and theories and to use quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection and analysis. They develop critical awareness and critical thinking in geographical issues, at the same time gaining an appreciation of diverse perspectives and values. |
Group 4 |
Sciences The sciences offered at Gimnazija Novo mesto offered are Biology SL & HL and Chemistry SL & HL. Students become familiar with the body of knowledge, methods, and techniques that characterize science and technology. They learn how to design investigations, collect data, develop manipulative skills, analyze results, collaborate with peers and evaluate and communicate their findings. |
Group 5 |
Mathematics Mathematics: analysis and approaches SL & HL The IB DP Mathematics: analysis and approaches course recognizes the need for analytical expertise in a world of increasing innovation. Students focus on mathematical concepts and are encouraged to apply their mathematical knowledge to solve problems by the ability to construct, communicate and justify correct mathematical arguments. |
Group 6 |
Arts Gimnazija Novo mesto offers Theatre SL & HL course. The IB DP theatre course gives students the opportunity to actively engage in theatre as creators, designers, directors and performers. The course is a safe learning environment that enables students to explore, learn, discover and collaborate to become autonomous, informed and skilled theatre-makers. |
TOK – Theory of knowledge
One of the most important elements of the DP is the theory of knowledge course, which challenges students to question the bases of knowledge—to reflect critically on how they know what they believe to be facts or the truth. It consists almost entirely of exploring questions about different sources of knowledge (perception, language, emotion, reason) and different kinds of knowledge (scientific, artistic, mathematical, historical). It asks students to reflect on the nature of knowledge, and on how we know what we claim to know. Theory of knowledge (TOK) is assessed through an exhibition and a 1,600 word essay.
CAS – Creativity, Activity, Service
Another important element of the DP is Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS). To fulfil this requirement, students must take part in artistic activities (creative); sports, expeditions or local or international projects (activity); and community or social service projects (service). Participation in CAS raises students’ awareness of community needs and gives them an opportunity to apply what they have learned in the classroom to address these needs. It also gives them confidence in their ability to bring about change. The projects must have tangible results and offer real benefits to others. Reflection on their experience is also an important part of student involvement in CAS. Students’ evidences are collected in CAS portfolio.
EE – The extended essay
An extended essay, of at most 4,000 words, offers students an opportunity to conduct an in-depth study of a topic of special interest. The experience and skills gained in carrying out independent research and producing a structured, substantial piece of writing provide excellent preparation for independent study at the university level.
Additional IB Documents
- Academic integrity
- Approaches to Teaching and Learning
- Language policy
- Assessment principles and practices
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